APS Resource is a recognized leader in providing lasting and economical solutions to safeguard loading dock personnel and warehouses against accidents and damage from poor lighting or poor communication between truck driver and dock workers. APS offers dock lights in many sizes and variations to meet your needs. Our line of safety products has been developed to solve multiple safety concerns at your facility
Light Communication Systems
An important communication tool for dock workers and truck drivers, the APS & GO reduces the potential for serious accidents from truck drivers pulling away before loading/unloading is finished.
Dock Lights
APS Resource stocks a wide variety of dock lights to help you improve safety and productivity at the dock. Many lighting styles (metal and poly with numerous arm-reach choices) are available for a variety of industrial applications. Most are available in combination with a fan.
Dock Strobe Maintenance Light
High visibility strobe light provides maximum visibility indoors or out!

Guide Lights
High visibility from compact illumination on both sides of the door opening.
Reflect & Guide Stripes
APS Reflect & Guide Stripes are the economical way to enhance safety at the dock by making it easier for trucks to back in properly. Easy-to-install, no electrical hookup, no bulbs to replace, zero energy use!

Hold Safe Stabilizer
A safety necessity for facilities that spot trailers. The Hold Safe Stabilizer reduces accidents from landing gear collapse during loading when the trailer is not supported by the tractor.
Wheel Chocks
APS Resource offers many sizes and styles of laminated or molded rubber, or aluminum wheel chocks to prevent trucks from rolling.